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Everyone stands in a large circle and holds each other's shoulders. There is a person (e.g. in the middle) who knows the game and instructs.

The song goes „Petit.. Petit.. Petit, petit, petit, quack, quack, petit, petit, petit, quack, quack, petit. Petit. Petit.“ (The first two petits have a slightly larger break between them, indicated by the double period, than the last two)

A step is taken forward (starting with the inner leg) on each „Petit“ and jumped on „quack“.

The song is repeated a few times, for each time you take a step inward in the circle, and grab the shoulders of the person a tooth further away, so that in the end you stand and hold (or try to hold) the person who is standing two places from a self. Then everyone sits down at the same time and rejoices that you are resting on each other's thighs.