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da:rusturen:morgenrejsning:pongdance [2021-01-25 21:24] – [pong dance] Tilføjet dans axelda:rusturen:morgenrejsning:pongdance [2022-08-01 14:26] (nuværende) – slettet jonas22
Linje 1: Linje 1:
-===== Pong Dance Dans ===== 
-{{ :da:rusturen:morgenrejsning:pong_dance.mp4?700x400 |}} 
-===== Pong Dance Lyrics ===== 
-Been away for college, was the baddest geek around\\ 
-He's been doing everything but make his parents proud\\ 
-He tried his best to study hard but still, he got too drunk\\ 
-Won lots of beer pong tournaments but still, he had to flunk\\ 
-His ex-girlfriend got a girlfriend\\ 
-His barbie tried a female Ken\\ 
-But when the white ball hits the red cup\\ 
-He's the baddest fucker in the frat club\\ 
-Then he does the pong dance\\ 
-The the the the pong dance\\ 
-He does the pong dance\\ 
-The the the the pong dance\\ 
-He'd never touched a cigarette, but tried to smoke a joint\\ 
-He coughed and soon he felt regret, just screaming "What's the point?!"\\ 
-And every time he saw this girl his face would turn to red\\ 
-Even though he told the guys he got her into bed\\ 
-But when you see him at the table\\ 
-He turns out to be rather stable\\ 
-And when the white ball hits the red cup\\ 
-He's the baddest fucker in the frat club\\ 
-Then he does the pong dance\\ 
-Then he does the pong dance\\ 
  • da/rusturen/morgenrejsning/pongdance.1611606241.txt.gz
  • Sidst ændret: 2021-01-25 21:24
  • af axel