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da:rusturen:morgenrejsning:space_invaders [2020-03-21 22:12] – ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation [2022-08-01 14:27] (nuværende) – slettet jonas22
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-===== Space Invaders Lyrics ===== 
-A few minutes ago scientists picked up a signal from outer space 
-It appears to be an alien song! 
-Space invaders in the air 
-In a flying saucer you can take me there 
-Space invaders in the air 
-In a flying saucer you can take me there 
-You will follow, come let's go 
-You are an alien with super high intelligence 
-Flying in a space ship round and round 
-I am an alien with super high intelligence 
-Flying in my space ship up and down 
-(Chorus x2) 
-You will follow, come let's go 
-You are an alien coming from the universe 
-Trying to seduce every single man 
-We come from a galaxy where we don't like humanity 
-You cannot escape our masterplan 
-(Chorus x2) 
-You fly away into hyper space 
-Back again to your alien girlfriend 
-Won't you stay for another day 
-You and I together we can fly 
-We can fly 
-(Chorus x2) 
-Come let's go 
  • da/rusturen/morgenrejsning/space_invaders.1584825149.txt.gz
  • Sidst ændret: 2020-03-21 22:12
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