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da:rusturen:morgenrejsning:tamagotchi [2021-01-25 20:28] – [Tamagotchi Lyris] axelda:rusturen:morgenrejsning:tamagotchi [2022-08-01 14:27] (nuværende) – slettet jonas22
Linje 1: Linje 1:
-//Tibage til [[da:rusturen:morgenrejsning|Studiestartsdanse]]// 
-===== Tamagothi Video ===== 
-{{ da:rusturen:studiestartssange:studiestartsdanse:tamagotchidansen.mp4?700x400 |}} 
-===== Tamagotchi Lyris ===== 
-I'm your Tamagotchi\\ 
-So happy that you love me\\ 
-And we shall be together, for ever and for ever\\ 
-Cause I'm your Tamagotchi\\ 
-I need you to protect me\\ 
-So that in the night, I can feel allright.\\ 
-I see you as my new Mum and Daddy\\ 
-If you will feed me and nurse me I'm happy\\ 
-The two of us will take care of each other\\ 
-All that I do, I will do for you.\\ 
-Oe-ey-oy-ey-yum-bum, oe-yum-bum\\ 
-Oe-ey-oy-ey-yum-bum, oe-yum-bum\\ 
-Oe-ey-oy-ey-yum-bum, oe-yum-bum\\ 
-Now all I need is a sister and brother,\\ 
-Cause I'm alone in my world, theres no other,\\ 
-Then we the three of us would be together,\\ 
-And all that we do, we will do for you.\\ 
-I'm your Tamagotchi,\\ 
-So happy that you love me\\ 
-And we shall be together, for ever and for ever\\ 
-Cause I'm your Tamagotchi\\ 
-I need you to protect me\\ 
-So that in the night, I can feel allright\\ 
-Oe-ey-oy-ey-yum-bum, oe-yum-bum\\ 
-Oe-ey-oy-ey-yum-bum, oe-yum-bum\\ 
-Oe-ey-oy-ey-yum-bum, oe-yum-bum\\ 
-I'm your Tamagotchi\\ 
-(hihihi I'm Tama!)\\ 
-(Hey hey Gotchi!)\\ 
-(Hey! do you wanna play?)\\ 
-(No I'm hungry!)\\ 
-I'm your Tamagotchi\\ 
-(Need attention?)\\ 
-(Yeah but I gotta-gotta-gotta go!)\\ 
-Oe-ey-oy-ey-yum-bum, oe-yum-bum\\ 
-Oe-ey-oy-ey-yum-bum, oe-yum-bum\\ 
-Oe-ey-oy-ey-yum-bum, oe-yum-bum\\ 
  • da/rusturen/morgenrejsning/tamagotchi.1611602893.txt.gz
  • Sidst ændret: 2021-01-25 20:28
  • af axel