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What does it take to have a rustrip? Who should stand for what and how the trip is gonna go? Get all the answers here (hopefully at some point everything is translated)

Before the rustrip

Rustrips theme - You first have to find a theme for the rustrip, that makes the frame for the costumes and activities

Preparatory trip often is placed in august. This where you outline the rustrip, and also prepare the runs, and delegate the responsibility out, and plan the the practical things that has to happen on the rustrip. Often does the cabinbums to test there food on the trip and you could also try the games and runs. To mentally prepare everyone, you also should use time to review the cases from Optur and Førstehjælp.

For more information on what has to happen on the prep trip, look at forberedelsestur
For the matching of expectations for the rustrip, look at forventningsafstemning

  • The template to subfiles version can be found github and on Overleaf
  • Specific tips and tricks to write a playbook in LaTeX: how-to-latex
  • For inspiration you can find specific playbooks for your trip under Rusturshytterne.

Look at, badges.

Look at, invitationer.

  • Fireways: All vectors must go through the fireplan. If it does not exist before the, then make sure everybody look at it when arriving.
  • Make a document for every rustrip, where everyone who has responsibility in, so it is easy to contact the right people.
  • Remember to sign the cabin contract hos Charlotte before the rustrip take off.

Good Tips

  • There often more rustrips take off at the same time. It could therefore be a good idea to have a banner with the rustrip name on it, so it is easier for the russes to find it. A banner can save a lot of time, so the russes don't have to ask a lot of questions.
  • Make sure every crossteam is crossed before take off, and sign back to dailey, when the cross team is together. (If KABS has a crossteam, make sure you have a responsible for that)
  • Make sure that the bus responsible has a overview, where the teams has to sit, and that you have checklist for the teams, so you know everybody is there. And also have one crossteam at the time into the bus
  • The bustrip is a nice place for the first impression of each other. This could with favor be speedating, so that the rus meat a lot of people over short time.
  • If it is possible, then have a procedure for how it works. Have a vector that carys the beers, and one that cross the russes of, so the beersale goes alright.

At the rustrip

  • To look for inspiration to what kind of activities on the rustrip, look at Activities
  • To get an better insight in how to shape the different runs, look at how-to-run

On the rustrip there often attend different visitor, which often include for example principal or dean, and PF's board and others

  • Have an matching of expectations with the board before the rustrip, so they know what is expect of dem and there behavior.
  • ***Remember to pack the Van, so that the things for the homecoming is placed appropriate* For example, if you have the food auction at home, then be aware of food and other things are packed last, because then it is easy to get it out of it. In this way, there don't have to be used a lot of time to packed out, before getting start with the food auction.

After the rustrip

The party never ends

Good Tips

  • Have an evaluation of the rustrip ready for the first cakemeetning.
  • Book room on Lyngby and Ballerup, where the new student can storage there bagage for the weekend trip.

Summer Trips.

During the summer there are different types of introduktions weeks, which is describe below.

The four day trip is the most used. The are often separate in trip 1 and 2. Trip 1 leave the morning after introduktion day and comes home after 4 days again. The same day as trip 1 leaves, the second trip arrives. That comes home again friday. The trips are seperate into crossteams and studyline teams, when the respektiv studielines vectors for the russes is on the same rustrip. After the introduktion weekes, there is arrange a christmas dinner for the rustrip.

The first mixed trip held was in 2019 as test. The mixed trip serves as a mix of GE's own trip and the interdisciplinary trips that are also held. That is, a rus trip made up of russes from GE and russes from other studies who also want to go on one off the international trips. This is an attempt to mix more people with different backgrounds and allow non-Danish-speaking russes to meet russes from other studies at DTU and vice versa. The size of these trips is less determined at present and therefire the number of vectors and cabin bums cannot be specified. These trips include vectors from GE and vectors from other studies to create a mix of people. These vectors from GE are also vectors for GE but wont be going on GE's own trip.

GE's trip was originally the only international trip. When the study line was created it was necessary to create a trip for them. Due to the international aspect that was introduced so they got their own trip. The trip is in the category of large trips with 90-100 participants including organizers. There are approximatly 15 vectors and 6-7 cabin bums. As a vector for the GE trip you are also a vector for GE.

Weekendtrip is the same way as the 4-day rustrip, however it only last 3 days instead of 4. You leave in the afternoon Friday on introduktion day and get home on sunday. The new students is divided on to Crossteams, with a attached crossvector. There are no studieline teams on the weekendtrip. It is often many different studylines that take on weekendtrips. The weekendtrip also helds Christmas diners after the rustrip.

The sober trip is exactly like the weekendtrip, where there just isn't any alcohol on the trip. The rest is the same.

Mix trip without alcohol runs exactly as a normal Mix Trip does, except without the intake of alcohol.


At winter there only is a four day trip, which the must used during summer. The trips are seperate in cross teams and studieline teams, where the respektive studieline vector for the cake group. After the rustrip there is arrange a Easter lunch for the rustrip.

Good Advice

  • Overvej, om det er en god idé at bruge retningsKABS som hyttebumser på vinterrusturene. Det kan skabe forvirring blandt vektorer og russer om, hvornår personen er KABS og hvornår personen „bare“ er hyttebums. Derudover kan det være svært at træde 100% ud af KABS-rollen, særligt hvis der sker noget på turen, hvor KABS normalt ville træde ind, men „KABSbumsen“ er den eneste KABS til stede.
  • Consider, if it is a good idea that the studielineKABS could be cabinbums on the wintertrip. It will maybe confusing to step a 100% out of the KABS-role, especially if something happens, where the KABS normally will step in, but the „KabsCabinBum“ is the only one present
  • en/rusturen/start.txt
  • Sidst ændret: 2022-02-22 10:58
  • af niels