
Tilbage til rusturen

Van Responsible

Van responsible is a one person responsibility that will be chosen on the crossteam. This person is responsible for the pick-up and the return of the van used for the rustrip. During the vector period, the PF secretary will send a request about who is van responsible for the different rustrips. On top of this, the responsible and everybody else who could possibly drive the van during the trip, should submit pictures of their drivers license, when requested. Later will the responsible receive an email with all relevant information about the van from the secretary, since it is the PF secretary who is responsible for the order itself. The mail looked like the following in 2021. (ChatGPT translated)

Subject: Information Regarding Rental Vans for Summer Trips

Hello responsible individuals for the cargo vans on the summer road trips,

We are sending a list with names and mobile numbers of the responsible persons to Europcar.

The cargo vans have been reserved with Europcar. The list is attached with reservation numbers.

The vans are to be picked up at Europcar in Lyngby, Firskovvej 8, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby.

Each van is named after the cabins.

The cargo vans for the weekend cabins are named Klintehytten, Pedersborghytten, and Egegården, respectively. The weekend trip will pick up the vans from Europcar, deliver the vehicle to the road trip, and the road trip will return the van to Europcar.

Weekend vans can be picked up on Thursday morning, August 19th, from 7:30 AM. They should be dropped off at Klintehytten 2, Pedersborghytten 2, and Egegården 2.

Vans for road trip 1 can be picked up on Friday morning, August 20th, from 7:30 AM. They should be returned to Europcar on Tuesday afternoon/evening—no later.

Vans for road trip 2 (excluding the three mentioned earlier) can be picked up on Monday morning, August 23rd, from 7:30 AM. They should be returned to Europcar on Friday afternoon/evening—no later.

The vans must be picked up no later than the morning!

We have received a copy of your driver's licenses, but if anyone believes they haven't submitted theirs, please visit the secretariat at S-Huset.

Drivers operating the vans must be over 20 years old and have held a driver's license for one year.

Billing for the vans will be handled directly between Europcar and PF—you will not be involved in any way.

However, please note!

Diesel costs will be deducted from your cabin's budget!

Therefore, remember to fill up the tank with diesel BEFORE returning the van to Europcar! All diesel receipts should be given to the financial responsible person in your cabin.

It is significantly more expensive to have Europcar refill the diesel, and we will forward any diesel bills to the person responsible for the cabin's finances.

Weekend and Road Trip

Klintehytten, Pedersborg, and Egegården will share a van, as well as a cabin. This means that when the weekend trips return with the van on Sunday, August 22nd, the road trip takes over. Coordinate how the handover of the car and key will take place.

REMEMBER - vans are taller than regular cars and may not fit everywhere.

We would rather not pay for a new aluminum box or similar for the vans!

Refer to https://www.europcar.dk/faq-info/forsikringer-generelt and look under „Self-risk insurance“ and „Vans and trucks“!

A copy of this email will be sent to KABS.

Besides this, there was attached an excel sheet with the list of the vans and their corresponding rustrips. In general it is a good idea for the responsible to coordinate, either with their KABS or one of their bums in regards to the pick up, since they usually need the van already the day before the rustrip. REMEMBER that the van responsible isn't done before the van have been returned to the rental place after the rustrip.

To the trips that will cross the bridge to Fyn, the vans will be equipped with a BroBizz, which we've paid Europcar to have put into it. Other cars which also need to drive to the cabin, pay for the bridge themselves, which possibly can be covered by the budget for the cabin.

Good tips

  • Make everyone, which are able to drive the van, to scan their drivers license in. Usually phone pictures are okay too.
  • Make sure, that the person who return the van, knows that it needs to be fuelled, before it is returned to Europcar.
  • The secretary prefers to have an overview of all drivers licenses in a PDF-file. Do this, so it becomes easier for everyone (This is a KABS responsibility). In 2022 all drivers licenses were submitted through PF File Share instead.
  • Make sure that the van responsible has the last shift as driving responsible, so he/she can return the van.
  • Remember to take pictures/video of the car when picking it up, so any damages to the car at pick up doesn't come on your bill. (Europcar are usually pretty reasonable to talk with.)
  • en/rusturen/varevognsansvarlig.txt
  • Sidst ændret: 2023-12-19 11:19
  • af hilarius23admin