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Polyteknisk Forening (PF) is the student organization at DTU, and looks after the students' interests academically, socially and politically. PF is run by volunteer DTU students who have the desire and courage to help shape the framework that DTU provides for our studies.

The jointed Council (FR) is the highest authority in PF. The joint council can be somewhat compared to the board of PF of a company. This is where the overall decisions, as well as the visions for the association, are made. The joint council consists of two ordinary members and one deputy from each department, who are elected in their professional council. Each year FR elects 4 students and 4 external members to make up the Business Council (FRR). FRR makes decisions and formulates long-term visions for PF's business branches, which must be approved by FR. The foundation for PF's structure is the professional councils. There is an Academic Council associated with all bachelor's programs in the civil engineering program and courses in the graduate engineering program. Meetings are typically held once a month. At the Professional Council meeting, the activities, of both a professional and social nature, that take place in the department are discussed. It is a good idea to arrange for the new starters to participate in a council meeting to show how easy it is to have an influence on one's studies.

This is the provisional structure, but there are extensive changes on the way in the Professional and Political area.

Every year, PF nominates students from the academic councils to sit on the Institute Study Boards (ISN) at all DTU's departments. This is where the courses are organised, evaluations of courses are reviewed and it is found out whether something can be done better. In PF, experience is exchanged to ensure the quality of the institute study boards and their work. Political PF is a major work within national student policy, and represents DTU students' position and attitudes on topics such as the progress reform and dimensioning of study areas. In addition, PF also works to, in collaboration with DTU, provide an appropriate general framework for their various educations.

In addition to coordinating the academic work at the institutes, UPR also forms PF's positions on national political issues, such as progress reform and dimensioning, and how such reforms are best implemented at DTU. The Education Policy Group (UPG) acts as the business council for the UPR. This means that they are responsible for drawing up agendas, calling meetings and ensuring that discussions take place on an informed basis.

The professional councils also elect members to the social committee, who work with, among other things, housing conditions, SU and physical framework for the students. In addition, the social committee also organizes various events for the students, e.g. the annual exercise runs. PF also owns the S-huset and through this organizes a lot of events for students. In addition, PF also collaborates with the various Friday bars at DTU.

The board is responsible for the day-to-day running of PF. You can always find one or more of them in the S-huset, and if ever should it happen that they are not in the S-huset, they are hardened e-mail users and can be reached this way or on their mobile phones.

The PF hallway is the center of most of the activities that take place in Polyteknisk Forening.
Many of the groups and clubs that exist under PF can be found in the hallway, such as the „Phantasy Dome Gaming Club“. In addition to meeting rooms, club rooms and a kitchen, the hallway also houses BEST, IAESTE, DSE and the Buddy scheme, with which PF collaborates. Meeting rooms and kitchen can be booked with the secretary in the PF secretariat.
On the Ballerup campus, the PF hallway is behind the S building. Here there is a secretariat, meeting rooms and DSE.
It is a good idea to show the PF hallways to the russes.

The PF secretariat Lyngby is located in the S-huset, by the spiral staircase down to the Cellar Bar. Here, materials can be purchased for various types of report binding. In the copy room, color copying is also available for a fee. The PF's secretary can be found at the secretariat. If in doubt for anything PF-related, you can go to her.
In Ballerup, the secretariat is located in the PF hallway and is open Wednesday from 9-13.

The S-huset is on both campuses, a great place to bring your cake-group or rusteam. Here they will be presented with a different DTU than they see at the lectures, with people there having fun, talking and de-stressing, and there is a good chance that they will run into someone from their rustrip. S-Huset is also suitable for studyline meetings and guidance meetings, as everyone can meet in a relaxed and cozy environment, where you can talk over a beer or soft drink. In addition, it is possible to play pool, fussball, backgammon and more in S-huset.
The cellar bar is open from Monday to Friday.
In addition, there is the PF cafe in 306. Here you can buy, among other things, various sandwiches, salads and drinks in the café, and possibly enjoy a beer after a long day of studies.
Verners Kælder functions as an S-hus driven Friday bar in Ballerup and is open every Friday.

  • en/vektor/pf.txt
  • Sidst ændret: 2022-08-01 11:51
  • af signe22